I wanted to share with everyone my November monthly goals. As we all know, consistent goal setting is a crucial part of the planning process. I am hoping that sharing my monthly goals here will help me to stay on course and increase my accountability!
Goal Setting Tools–
- Monthly mission board in my inkwell press planner
- Powersheets from Lara Casey
- My running task list
Goal Setting Process-
- Complete any prep-work and brainstorming tasks in Powersheets
- Review prior month mission board goals and carry-forward any that were not completed
- Review my project list and add at least two of those tasks to the monthly list
- Review my running task list for any that need to be added
- Summarize and categorize for the monthly mission board
Prior month goals-
- Last month my main mission board goal was to complete and file my 2016 Taxes—that is now finally done. Whoop Whoop.
November 2017 goals–
- Me Time-Facial
- Health-Dentist appt, appts for Son
- Home—Organize Laundry Room, Continuing working on office
- Social—Monthly club dinner
- Financial—Buy health insurance when the marketplace opens on November 1, review and update 401K, finish updating insurance beneficiaries
- Other—High School applications are due this month
- Dream Big—Start planning for family vacation in the spring (Cruise)
So there you have it. Leave me a comment and let me know what your goals are for this month. Happy Organizing Everyone!