Back to School (in the Age of COVID-19)



Well, in just a few more weeks, we will all be heading back to some kind of school—traditional, virtual, hybrid, or home-school.   I have two children, one in public school and one in private. But both are scheduled to start out on a hybrid schedule. If you are like me your most pressing need right now is for information.   They go to different schools but both are short on details and that’s very stressful. When do they start? (districts keep pushing the dates back) What days do they attend? for how long? what do they do on their virtual days? are they going to fall behind? are masks provided or do they buy their own? how on earth am I going to find some of these things on the school supply list?—like Clorox wipes. Those haven’t been available anywhere in months! And most importantly—is it safe?

So for right now, I’m going to focus on the things I know I need to do every year regardless of what the future path will look like:

  • Update your family calendar. Now is the time to finalize your system and get as much information on the calendar as you can. With so much changing this year you are going to really need it! Two good options for electronic family calendars are Google and COZI. See my post where I go over the COZI Family Organizer here:Organizing Your Family With Cozi.Com


  • Set up a system for organizing all the Back to School paperwork (both paper and electronic). We will all receive a lot of emails this year in addition to traditional paper. See my post here that goes into details of organizing paper items as well as setting up an electronic system using Evernote:Organizing Back to School Paperwork




  • Complete all your kid’s doctor appts (including dentist, eyes, and sports physicals), buy your school supplies, determine your homework/homeschool location, and last but not least-


  • Establish your new routines for this new and unique school year!!


What do you have on your to-do list for this school year? Let me know in the comments below.


Stay Safe everyone,



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