Summer is just around the corner and we all need to get in some R&R this summer. As we plan for our summer getaways, road trips, and other adventures I wanted to share some of my favorite vacation planning tools. Especially how I manage and organize all the detailed plans and travel documents.
- Travel Planning Apps—my favorite travel planning apps are Tripit and Tripcase. These apps transforms your travel e-mails into one master itinerary so that all your plans are in one place. You can read all about these apps in detail in my post here: Travel planning apps post
- Checklists—One of my favorite go-to checklists is Bon Voyage from Knock Knock. I love this checklist because it breaks down your travel tasks based on how far away your trip is. Their packing list is another good one.
- Use your planner—there are many great travel inserts out there available for your planner. Some of my favorites are the travel planning inserts that come in my A5 inkwell press inserts.
And finally Evernote. Evernote is one of my favorite apps. I have a travel stack set up in Evernote and notebooks for all my different trips:
When you join Evernote, you are given a special Evernote email address for your account. All your travel emails and PDF documents, plane tickets, travel insurance, hotel reservations, etc. can just be forwarded directly to Evernote using that email address.
Also there is a web clipper where you can clip pictures, articles, anything from the internet directly to your notebook. You can also add notes, checklists, pictures, audio you name it–it can all be collected in your travel notebook.
And best of all, you can then access your notebook from anywhere using evernote-your phone, iPad, laptop, etc. Evernote syncs across all your devices.
But whatever planning and organizing tool you use, I hope your summer travels are wonderful!!
Happy Planning,