I’m checking in to do an update on my goals. In January, I posted my annual goals for 2018. See the full post here: 2018 Goals
Since then, I have also taken the opportunity to break down my annual goals into quarterly goals—the Inkwell press inserts have a special page for just quarterly goals—Another great planning tool.
My February goals and updates are as follows:
- Me Time—monthly facial. Okay, this one is a winner since it covers both “me time” goals and health goals.
- Health-pediatrician appointment and find a new speech therapist—-Still looking for a speech therapist.
- Home—Finish Laundry Room, Finish son’s closet, and start on office. I did all of these!!Whoop Whoop! You can actually find the post on my laundry room makeover here: Laundry Room Makeover
- Financial-Get car fixed and transfer auto-debt bills. Well half of this is done at least.
- Vacation Planning—This is still in progress.
And finally, for March, these are my goals:
- Me time—monthly facial
- Health—find new speech therapist and dentist appointment for crown (I’ve been putting this off….)
- Home-continue office redo, get couch fixed, and buy new bed for son
- Financial-new credit card just for internet, start taxes, and uggh! still need to get my car fixed
- Social—reading the book “The Accident”
- Dream Big—finalize summer vacation trip
Well that’s it for me. Leave me a comment below and let me know what your goals for March are! I would love to hear from you.
Happy Planning,